What is Holding Space?

Holding space is giving someone your full presence and attention while they are expressing themselves. It is a 'yin' practice which builds trust, improves relationships and has healing effects.

When holding space, you are:

  • Fully listening

  • Quiet

  • Allowing someone to be themselves

  • Letting it be known that you are there, usually by making eye contact

  • Making a safe space for anything to be expressed, including silence or any uncomfortable emotions

When holding space, you are not:

  • Judging

  • Analysing

  • Responding

  • Reacting

  • Offering advice

  • Assuming you know what is right

  • Wandering in your own mind or thoughts

There are certain situations where you cannot hold space, such as when someone is being violent, aggressive or harming themselves.

Why is holding space a sacred practice? Because by holding space you recognise someone as a divine being. They are perfect in their imperfections. You trust their ability to evolve and heal. If they express needs, you listen and hold the space.

Discover more

When we open our awareness to something, we put energy there and enter the space of interconnectedness. If you would like to be individually supported in the exploring the essence of your being, I currently offer Inner Dimensions Guidance sessions. For weekly inspiration, you are welcome to connect with me on Instagram

Ying Li