A temple space, educational hub, research community and council of presence for deep listening and collaboration with Gaia Sophia’s clusters of worlds.
We begin with aligning to the rose as a cosmic angel and master teacher of multi-dimensionality. The rose matrix holds vibrations of the divine feminine and divine masculine in co-creativity. Each petal of the rose is a doorway to qualities which open the heart, deepen our presence and offer pathways of healing. As we enfold into the rose matrix we activate the ‘bee’ potential of the human being as a pollinator of frequencies and navigator of inter-dimensional consciousness.

Shifting the paradigm of education away from anthropocentric models of learning, we embrace multiple ways of knowing through direct experience and cooperation with more-than-human beings, including those of the elemental, fairy, angelic, causal and spiritual realms. Rather than placing the conceptual mind at the forefront, bodily and spiritual sensitivity is developed by grounding in presence, and flowing with intuition and imagination.
Activities within the Indigo Gaia Hive include:
Co-creative meditation
Movement and Dance Alchemy
Geomantic practices (working with landscape and places)
Personal and collective healing
Artistic creations
Sharing circles
The practices are an invitation to deepen into the sphere of love and matrix of peace as universal unifiers between the parallel evolutions of the Earth cosmos. Running in tandem to all of the exercises is the practice and learning about inner perception. Too often spiritual schools and institutions have rigid templates of reality and remain shrouded in esotericism while an exceptional few serve as intermediaries between the visible and invisible worlds. As Gaia Sophia’s evolution enters an era of non-hierarchy, structures which have trapped humanity in extractive systems of thinking and doing are being dismantled. We are invited to discover new meanings and manifestations: the divine within the Earthly, the sacred within the ordinary and the universe within each body.
Personal and collective healing work is an integral part of the Indigo Gaia Hive because our perceptions become clouded and our actions become misaligned when patterns formed from wounding run our behaviours. Space holding is often the first step of healing work: exquisite listening to the unique expression of each being as a divine spark and precious fractal of Gaia Sophia.

To experience the Indigo Gaia Hive, I warmly invite you to join one of the upcoming events.