Place is always someone- Earth is a sentient, living being and cosmic consciousness, and every place is a fractal of her: communities of visible and invisible beings who interweave the divine web of life.

The times of great transformation in which we live invite us to redefine what it means to be human and to build new relationships with place. We are being called to encounter place not as the background for human activities but as groups of diverse intelligences who are alive, sacred and deserving of inclusion and recognition.
Geomancy has existed since ancient times as a way of revealing hidden patterns within spaces and landscapes. The updated practice of geomancy is not dependent on external tools. Instead, we use our bodily sensitivity combined with present moment awareness to make contact with the subtle worlds. Sound and movements create a vibrational language, and the heart field is indispensable as the ultimate unifier between all realms of existence.
Rarely do we find landscapes which have not been altered by human activities. Places have been mistreated as inanimate through the human fixation on a material reality.
Gaia Sophia has invited human beings to co-create upon her Earthly paradise, and the sustenance of life asks for true reciprocity. Geomancy is a sacred geography and holistic ecology in which we learn to listen and respond to places and its communities of beings.
When we approach environments with sensitivity, receptivity and care, often the multi-dimensional levels of a place reveal themselves.
As holons of Gaia consciousness, every landscape has energy centres, focal points of cosmic resonances and diverse beings who contribute to its expression and continuous evolution. Archetypal and causal forces become manifest through Gaia’s elemental creativity.
I warmly invite you to join Embodying Earth’s geomancy events and courses in which we explore the following:
Learn how to feel the subtle qualities of a place, its multi-layered expression and interactions with the surrounding environment
Use the imagination as a sacred tool of connectivity
Engage with the body as a divine receiver and generator of frequencies exchanging with all dimensions
Develop your relationship with Gaia’s clusters of parallel evolutions, including the elemental, fairy, angelic and spiritual worlds and the beings of embodied life such as trees, water, minerals and animals
Support landscapes in need of healing, incorporating practices which are respectful, safe and ethical
Practice communicating your experiences of the subtle realms and in doing so, participate in a collective language development relating to inner world expression
Geomancy provides pathways to liberating the essence of a place, beyond the projections we impose upon a place for it to serve our ideas or needs. Encountering landscapes in a different way, from a place of heart and deep presence, requires balancing our rational modes of thinking with creativity, intuition, imagination. As we nurture our spiritual intelligence, we strengthen our capacity to connect to the whole and embody the sacredness of life.

For geomancy training and experiences, I warmly invite you to join one of the upcoming events.