Co-creative Meditation: Relating to Gaia’s Metamorphosis

Relating to Gaia’s Metamorphosis

As Gaia’s multidimensional body undergoes dramatic change, deeply held tensions and distorted patterns within the matrices of all co-evolutions are rising to the surface for transmutation. On the manifested level we experience shifts in our physical and emotional bodies, transitions in personal and collective circumstances, and growing pains. Yet within these upheavals is a golden opportunity to participate in a wondrous transformation of cosmic proportions. By anchoring in trust, peace and open heartedness, we support Gaia’s quantum leap as a sublime metamorphosis where we and all beings within the Earthly cosmos can recreate ourselves anew.

  1. Imagine a magnificently beautiful butterfly flying before you. This butterfly is Indigo Gaia, cosmic Earth in creative transformation. The butterfly flies to the centre of your chest and lands on your sternum. There she becomes a caterpillar once again.

  2. Nestled on your sternum, the caterpillar creates a silky pad where she sheds her skin and forms a chrysalis. Within the chrysalis she dissolves and breaks down her old tissues and structures into a divine primordial soup of love. Take a moment to sense this radical transformation of Indigo Gaia.

  3. As your body connects with the chrysalis on your sternum, feel yourself enveloped within its resonance.  See your inner body full of swirling colours, dissolving what is no longer needed while forming new cells, matrices and vital-energy centers. The process is miraculous – like growing new body parts!

  4. You now become aware of a beautiful set of translucent wings growing within you. At the moment the wings are folded over your body like an embrace. Allow yourself to rest here, and ask that any fears, disturbances or disconcerting feelings related to drastic changes be transmuted. Feel how Gaia is holding all beings in her universe with deep love and care.

Meditation originally created by Ying Li for LifeNet

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