The Gloomy Goblin: An Earth Healing Story
I was aware of him for two years. A solemn, shadowy figure perched on the stones outside of the house in France where my partner lives. The figure was a goblin of some sort with a gruesome face and ice-cold composure which made it clear that he wanted to be left alone. I sensed the gloomy goblin had certain powers which he kept to himself. He was not part of the house elemental beings who took care of the subtle dimensions of the home. I followed my self-taught rule related to unfriendly invisible beings: respect the distance, unless it’s not possible to do so. He did not venture inside the house and for many seasons we co-existed peacefully.
One evening that all changed. The goblin appeared in the corner of the bedroom. I was taken aback, but I was also tired and assumed he was just passing through. To my horror, he stayed on after I fell asleep and instigated a hellish night. I had a string of nightmares with violent scenes. Then the goblin took the etheric body of the neighbour’s cat and menacingly threw her on me. I awoke with a piercing scream in my ears, unsure if it was my own scream or the cat’s.
I was shocked by the change in our dynamic. What broke our silent agreement to leave each other in peace? I later went into meditation and saw the goblin’s vibrational field full of horrible distortions linked to an energetically blocked chasm with a waterfall in the mountain nearby. I recalled that on the same day as the goblin’s invasion of my nighttime dream space, I was walking in the field and connected with the chasm. I perceived that it was like a landscape yoni, a deep Earth portal to the sacred feminine frequencies of Gaia Sophia. But the chasm had closed up, most likely due to the violence which took place during the Roman occupation of area in ancient times.
The chasm in the mountain in the Southern French Alps, a sacred portal to the feminine frequencies of inner Earth.
The situation then became clear: after I received the insight about the chasm, the goblin adeptly read the change in my energy field and made his move to get my attention. The goblin used to be a guardian of the chasm in the mountain. But the battles and patriarchal abuses of power on the land caused the chasm’s feminine essence to retreat, and thus the goblin lost his role. He did not have the words nor the love within him to communicate his dire state. Instead, he created the nightmares and threw the cat’s etheric body on me as a cry for help. I felt enormous compassion for the goblin and promised him that I would try my best to help.
Often we do not realise how elemental beings suffer and become displaced as a result of violence and others forms of destruction inflicted by humans upon the landscape.
Goblins as guardians or protectors of place
Alongside gnomes, dwarves, giants and other Earth elemental beings, goblins help bring Earth’s subtle forces into the manifest dimension. Fifth elemental beings represent an evolution of elemental beings who have greater will, individuation and powers of creativity. Some elemental beings have been entering this evolution, serving as bridges between the co-evolutions, such as between humans and elemental beings.
Picture: The Goblin painted by William Blake, inspired by John Milton’s poems L'Allegro and Il Penseroso. Public domain image from WikiArt.
When I returned to the valley some weeks later, I kept my promise to the goblin. The first snows had already arrived and the path to the cliff facing the chasm was not easy to navigate. When I got there I asked for a key to open to the inner realms of the chasm. Straight away I was given an image of a yoni-like crevice with glistening rocks in different earthy colours. The elemental angels of the mineral world rose up from landscape and encircled me like a pantheon of goddesses. I felt the chasm was not ready to be worked on directly but the adjacent landscape was awakening on new levels to support its healing. The goblin appeared with his hands cupping water, indicating that he is a water bearer: his job as a guardian of the chasm was to weave the sacred water dimension from the waterfall into the surrounding land.
Long ago, the goblin was once a proud carrier of deep feminine waters in the mountain landscape. When the chasm’s subtle forces withdrew, the goblin’s sense of abandonment must have lingered for hundreds or thousand years, cementing him in bitterness and despondency. Finally, he was able to come out of the dismal hole he fell into through my witnessing him and being reunited with the sacred essence of the chasm. Gaia Sophia has gifted humans with the divine capacity to be connectors, networkers and gatherers between all realms of existence, for the benefit of all of life.
I see the goblin now, standing still on a cliff with a deep blue sky and clouds. He is coming into reconciliation with all that has happened: his heart is healing. There is a renewed creativity and child-like joy flowing through him; he has reconnected to the matrix of life. I am moved to tears when I think of his remarkable transformation and what he has taught me in this experience. I am curious as to how our relationship will evolve. He is no longer the gloomy goblin but my friend the water bearer, the goblin of the goddess.
Like a ripple in water, one being touched by love changes everything.
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The rapidly changing planetary dimensions call for us to collaborate with embodied creativity and receptivity to the beings who are furthering Earth’s transformations. I warmly invite you to explore geomancy with me in the upcoming events. To stay up to date on future workshops and events, you are welcome to sign up here.