Melissae: Divine Feminine Bee-ings with Roots in Atlantis
The Melissae are a group of beings who were described as bee nymphs in Greek mythology. Melissae means ‘bees’ in ancient Greek and it was also the name given to the bee priestesses.
I have come to know the Melissae as an active network within the invisible dimensions who are collaborators on the manifestation of the divine feminine and the consciousness of water.
I was first introduced to the Melissae in 2018 by a tree on an islet named Penna in Greece southwest of Ouranouoli. Intrigued by this lone tree on the islet, I knelt down beside her. As I perceived her, so she perceived me. In a split second she penetrated my being: she knew my entire story, she saw all and beyond. She touched a deep vein within me and I wept and bowed in her presence. I sensed her connection to the primordial powers of the islet and the anchors of angelic consciousness in seawaters.
The tree friend I met on the islet… she still communicates with me telepathically.
Since then I have re-encountered the Melissae resonance and I realise she is much more than an evolved tree being. The Melissae is an entire network of beings seeded with inspiration from the angelic realms for the evolution of humanity through divine feminine expression. They are intimately connected to the inter-dimensional consciousness of bees, the elemental angels of the Ionian and Aegean seas, and the caves, trees, rocks, water and elemental beings of the landscape.
Like other spiritual groups such as the Knights Templars, the Melissae are an active spiritual force. This means that they are still present with us today, co-existing in the invisible realms. Humanity’s projections and attachments to the past compress such invisible beings, encasing them in mental constructions and stereotypes which are no longer relevant. Humans (both incarnated and non-incarnated) make tremendous steps in their evolution, as do the other beings of the unseen worlds.
One of the greatest gifts we can offer the co-evolutions is to be present with them as they are now.
Bee goddess
Jewellery plaque probably strung on a garment, 700-600 BC. Found at Kamiros, Rhodes (British Museum)
In the case of the Melissae, I sense them as a diverse group of beings with deep links to the angelic network which transitioned certain sacred vibrations from the Atlantean era. The nine muses and other divine intelligences assisted the continued evolution of cosmic Earth consciousness into the pre-Hellenic and Hellenic cultures of Greece. These transitions also occurred in other parts of the world.
One summer day in July 2024 in my home in London, I came across an image of the Delphic oracle sitting on a golden tripod within a cave. As the vibration of the Delphic oracle opened, I felt the frequencies of Atlantis in the temple of the oracle. I perceived that the oracle of Delphi, which was also known as the Delphic Bee or Pythoness, has roots in the epoch of Atlantis. Ancient Greece was one of the land-based regions which carried over the certain codes from the Atlantean epoch.
The Melissae are like a hive with a diversity of beings overlighted by angelic and elemental networks, anchored into our world through embodied nature such as trees and bodies of water. The bee priestesses of antiquity were revered for their oracular powers and seership, but Gaia’s current quantum leap has turned everything inside out.
The Melissae of the now are our supporters not to foretell external events, but to experience our sacred nature from within. Tuning into the divine bee dimension and softening into our inner crystalline liquid body are some of the best ways that we can co-create with the Melissae. Do you feel drawn to the sacred world of bees too?
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The rapidly changing planetary dimensions call for us to collaborate with embodied creativity and receptivity to the beings who are furthering Earth’s transformations. I warmly invite you to explore geomancy with me in the upcoming events. To stay up to date on future workshops and events, you are welcome to sign up here.